It happened on the day that I had planned to drop out of college. After chapel service, I walked past the administration office and headed downtown to my little part-time job at Electrical Equipment Company where I sold lighting fixtures. It was a hot, muggy Friday afternoon. A nice but persistent lady entered the store and wanted to buy a fixture and have it installed that same afternoon in her home because she was having out of town guest for the weekend. I told her all our electricians were busy and it would be Monday before we could get to her unless she was willing for me to stop by on my way home and do it. She agreed. So after work that day I placed the fixture in my car and headed to South Campbell Street. We had agreed that since I wasn’t a licensed electrician that I would do the job for $10.00. I quickly went to work installing the fixture saying very little about me or my family, except that we were students at Baptist Bible College. When I finished and was cleaning up she handed me $20.00. I reminded her our agreement was for $10.00. She smiled and said she and her husband knew what it was like for a young couple to be working their way through college. I said thank you and proceeded to put my tools in the car when out of the clear blue I heard her from the porch say, “please wait just a few minutes”. I waited for about ten minutes and she came out the front door with a large box of groceries. She smiled as she handed it to me and said, "God bless you, your family, and your future." I said thank you, then got in my car and drove away. I was so happy I was crying and thanking God all the way home. You see what she didn’t know was that I was going to quit college that day because we had no money to buy food. So many things like that have happened throughout my life. I don’t remember the address, nor do I know her name, but God used her that day to encourage and remind me that He is always watching out for his children. So if you are thinking about quitting today, DON’T!! God only knows what might happen.